Pelan Pemasaran

MODAL minima RM210 Sekali SEUMUR HIDUP.




SETIAP TRANSAKSI DIREKOD SECARA REAL-TIME. MUDAH Memang MUDAH ! Semuanya telah tersedia.  Anda cuma BUAT je..Cuma lakukan 2+1 langkah je¡K.!!!   simple  je  Kalau nak BUAT DUIT !! Harga 1 Pakej adalah RM210
  • CAPAI PENDAPATAN PULUHAN RIBU TANPA PENGHUJUNG!! Hanya dengan bertindak lebih bijak…….

Note 1: English Version
Langkah Pertama: Step 1
Anda BELI Pakej Produk Ads4bucks = Anda layak jadi AGEN
ads4bucks seumur hidup.
U buy Ads4bucks Products Package = U are eligible as on AGENT
of ads4bucks for whole life.
Note 2: Minimun 1 Gold Bucks Product Package = 1 Bucks Centre (BC).
Minimun 15 BC or Bucks Centre per IC
Note 3: Sila klik menu PRODUK untuk lihat pakej Produk Gold Bucks.
Please click PRODUCT MENU for details of Gold Bucks Producks Package.
Note 4: Tiada bayaran Yuran keAHLIan ! Anda dah layak jadi Agen, ..
sebaik anda didaftar BELI Produk Pakej ads4bucks.
No additional membership fees ! U are qualified to be an Agent
the moment U bought Ads4bucks Product Package & signed up.

Langkah Kedua: Step 2 ;
Anda pula MENJUAL Pakej Produk Ads4bucks. Lantik orang yang membeli itu jadi Sub Agen anda.

U sell Ads4bucks Products Pakage and recruit Sub Agent.
Langkah Ketiga: Step 3 ;
Anda DUPLIKASI Sub Agen Anda agar dia lebih “hebat dari anda”.

Duplicate your Sub Agents to be “better than Yourself

INCENTIVES No 1 :     “Realtime Income”
Anda dibayar Komisyen RM50 (12.5 bp) bagi setiap BC yang anda JUAL.
Tiada had maxima berapa BC anda mau JUAL… Dalam sistem ads4bucks,
1 BC boleh bukak 2 kaki… Yang lebih dari 3 tu, anda letak jer di bawah
BC Sub Agen Anda.. Jika sehari U menjual kpd 10 orang jer = U dah
dapat = RM50 X 10 orang (10BC) = RM500 …secara real-time.
Ya ! Dapat “On d’Spot” dalam e-wallet anda….
U will be rewarded 12.5 bucks point (RM50) per BC once
U sold personally to New Agent. U can have unlimited number
of direct person to sell. 1BC will have 3 Legs. Should U sold
more than 3BC = just place them under the first 3BC…
Therefore if U personally sold to 10 persons (1BC each) U would
received a total of 12.5bp (RM50) X 10 = 125bp (RM500) on
Real-Time… (yea…on d’spot) into your e-wallet.

Anda menjual kpd 3 orang (3BC) jer = dah balik modal dah
Once U sold to 3 persons = U already earn your capital gains !!.

INCENTIVES No 2 :     “Realtime Income”
Setiap Buck Center (BC) Sub Agen yang join bawah anda akan diletakkan di
bawah 3 Kaki or “Group”. Development Incentives (DI) di kira berdasarkan
berapa jumlah BC yang masuk di bawah 3 Group ikut ARAS (Level) . Untuk
Layak dapat DI, anda perlu punyai sekurang2nya 1 BC di bawah setiap 2 group
drpd 3 group bagi setiap level. Development Incentives (DI) dikira selagi ada
“JUALAN kumpulan” di bawah rangkaian atau hingga infiniti…
Each Bucks Center (BC) that joined under your network, will be
placed into 3 groups. Development Incentives (DI) will be calculated
on the number of BC who join under these groups. U must have at
least 1BC in at least 2 out of 3 groups at each level in order to enjoy
this DI. Ads4bucks will calculate the DI until infinity level. This means,
the deeper the network grows, the higher your potential income would
be. To further understand this incentives, please refer to illustration below;

Note 5: “bp” means = Buck Point or e-Point = 1 bp = RM4.00
INCENTIVES No 3 :     “Realtime Income”

Anda dibayar overriding komisyen 15% daripada Development Incentives (DI)
yang diperolehi oleh Sub Agen “direct” anda.
U  will be rewarded 15% of the income that your direct Sub Agent
earned in Development Incentives (DI)… Therefore U can maximize
your income by selling to more people and help them to build their
networks. Pls refer to EXAMPLE and figure below;

Anda (U) menjual Produk Pakej kpd Ali = “A”.  Kumpulan “A” telah berkembang.
Setiap kali  “A” dapat Development Incentives (DI), secara auto anda akan dapat
15% daripada  jumlah yang “A” dapat. Contohnya:  Bila “A” dapat insentif (DI) =
RM1000.00 maka anda akan dapat 15% X RM1000 = RM150. Bayangkan jika anda
menjual kepada 10 orang macam “A” . Anda layak dapat income ODI walaupun
anda mempunyai 1 kumpulan bergerak aktif    ….

Assuming that U personally sold Product Package to Ali = “A” .
Ali’s network grows big.  Every time Ali earns DI, you will get
15% overriding. For example, when Ali earns DI = RM1000, U
will get 1
5% X RM1000 = RM150. Imagine if U have 10 persons
like Ali = U can easily get income 10 X RM150 = RM1,500 if
each of them got RM1000 for  DI. Ads4bucks system will
calculates Overiding DI regardless of whether U have build 2
group or not…  Means U could enjoy ODI if U have only 1 group

INCENTIVES No 4 :     “Daily Income”

Selepas anda nikmati Insentif No 1, No 2 & No 3 yang dikira secara
“Real-Time”…Kemasukan BC Sub Agen &  Sub2 Agen yang sama juga
akan dikira lagi secara harian (setiap 24jam) untuk Insentif GSI pula !
Cut off time” = pada setiap jam 4ptg waktu Malaysia.
Group Sales Incentives (GSI) akan dikira seperti berikut;
1 pair (pasang) = 5 bp or buck point (RM20) per pair tanpa mengira level
atau kejadian pairing yang ke berapa pun.
Pada “cut off time” jam 4:00ptg (waktu Malaysia) Sistem secara auto akan
mengesan dan mengira jumlah Gold Buck (BC) yang didaftarkan sepanjang
24jam sebelumnya.
Maka katakanlah dalam masa 24jam tersebut;
Ada kemasukan 8 BC di bawah 1st Group, 7BC di bawah 2nd Group dan
10BC di bawah 3rd Group…. (Ruj CONTOH Carta di bawah)
Group yang paling aktif (banyak) dipanggil “Group Utama”. Maka dalam
CONTOH carta Geneologi di bawah ini, kita dapati 3rd Group ada 10 BC =
jadi Group Utama pada hari tersebut;
Maka GSI akan dikira secara auto seperti berikut:-
1) Pairing Utama : Group Utama ada 10 BC VS 1st Group ada 8 BC
= dikira ada 8 pasang X RM20 = RM160
2) Pairing Kedua : Group Utama ada 10 BC VS 2nd Group ada 7 BC
= dikira ada 7 pasang X RM20 = RM140
Jadi =   Jumlah U dapat  = 15 pasang X RM20 = RM300
Note 6 :  Baki 2 BC dalam Group Utama (3rd Group) akan dibawa ke
hari esoknya….
Note 7 :  Setiap 1 BC layak dapat maxima 12 pasang X 2 Group = 24
pasang sehari. Jadi maxima 24 pasang X RM20 = RM480 sehari !
Tak cukop ke ? Join lah 10BC !!! Jika 10 BC X RM480 =
RM4,800 per day lah !!!


The same entries under your current hierarchy, U also enjoy
Group Sales Incentive (Pairing by Volume) which will be counted
at every 24 hours. The cut off is at 4.00pm Malaysian Time
(12:00 midnight LA time). After U enjoyed realtime DAC, DI and
ODI, your Group Sales Incentives will be counted daily as below:-
1 pair = 5 buck point (bp) = RM20 …regardless of entry level.

At 4pm the system will check number of Gold Bucks (BC) units
registered under 1st, 2nd and 3rd Group during the past 24 hours.

According to the Geneology Chart above as an examples, U has
8 BC under 1
st Group, 7 BC under 2nd Group and 10BC under
rd Group. The most active Group (3rd Group) during a day after
daily closing at 4.00pm (Malaysian Time) will be called MAIN
Group. The Weaker one will be 1st Group and the weakest leg
during a day is the 2
nd Group.
YOUR GSI income will be auto calculated as below;
1.    Main Pair Will be Between 3
rd Group 10BC VERSUS 1st Group
(8BC) counted as 8 Pairs X 5 bp = 40 bp (RM160)
2.    Second Pair will be between 3
rd Group 10 BC VERSUS 2nd
Group (7BC) counted as 7 Pairs X 5bp =35 bp (RM140)
So, Total GSI = 8+7 pairs =15pair X RM20 = RM300

The balance 2 BC under the Main Group (3
rd Group) which was not
paired yet will be carried forward to the next day waiting to be paired
with the Group entries following days.

Each BC entitles for maximum 12 Pairs incentives between 2
Groups for each day. The balance will be flushed out. Means
each BC may have potential for maximum 24 pairs a day X RM20 =
per day….  U wanna more income ???? = join 10 BC…
So, RM480 X 10 BC = RM4,800 per day !!! Fuyoo…

INCENTIVES No 5 :     “Daily Income”
Anda akan perolehi 10% “overriding” daripada jumlah GSI yang diperolehi
oleh Sub Agen “direct” anda.  Anda juga akan perolehi 5% “overriding”
daripada jumlah GSI yang diperolehi oleh Sub Agen “indirect” anda.  (Sub
Agen kpd Sub Agen anda)…
Anda menjual kpd A… Maka A adalah Sub Agen anda. A pula menjual kepada
B, C & D….yg bergerak aktif… Jadi, Anda akan dapat 10% drpd “income” GSI
oleh A. Anda juga akan dapat 5% drpd “income” GSI oleh B, C & D. Sementara
A pula akan dapat 10% drpd income GSI si B, C & D. Ini bermakna JIKA 1
kumpulan (1 Leg) aktif pun anda boleh dapat income…. Apalagi jika anda punyai
lebih drpd 10 Sub Agen “direct” anda….

U will be rewarded overriding 10% from GSI income of Sub Agent and
5% from GSI of your indirect Sub Agent. In this way, U can maximize
your income by promoting & sells to more people and helpd them to
build their networks. By doing this U will not only earn GSI on auto-pilot
mode, but also will get additional 15% from their income. Further to
illustrate this, please refer to figure above and below

U sell to A and he is  your direct  Sub Agent. A sell to B, C & D…
their organization grows. When A gets GSI, U will earn 10%
overriding.  When B, C and D gets GSI, A will earn  10% overriding…
but  U will get 5% overriding to GSI earn by B, C & D.. In short…
U could also enjoy Overriding GSI even though U just have 1 actives
Group built

INCENTIVES No 6 :     “Realtime Income”

Anda akan dibayar RM10 (2.5bp) secara realtime ke dalam e-wallet anda bagi
setiap BC yang anda daftarkan. Bayangkan jika sehari anda “
mendaftar 20 BC (untuk Sub Agen anda yang “malas” atau tiada kemudahan
Internet) = anda sudah dapat sehari RM10 X 20 BC = RM200 ! Ini bermakna
kita menggalakan semua Agen jadi “cekap” ICT (bukan sekadar celik IT)…
U will be paid RM10 (2.5bp) into your e-wallet as Registration
Commission for every unit BC you registered through your BackOffice.
Imagine if you network grows big that make U busy to register
average of 20BC per day = RM20 X 10 = RM200 ! Thus, indirectly
we encourage everybody to be ICT literate.